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Sie Kasahara

visual artist

abstract painting / cramic object / stop-motion video / textile design

1973 born in Japan, based in Tokyo

2009 12th Liquitex Biennale

         Encouraging Prize and Judge Prize (Takayuki Terakado Prize)

Her work is represented by several art galleries in Tokyo, and also have been exhibited internationally in LA, Houston (USA), Hamburg (Germany) and in Bolzano (Italy). She also has been invited to some Artist Residencies in Germany, Austria, Romania, Chile and an Art Festival in India.

Some of her works have been adopted on products, such as a book cover design and as a poster and brochures of Liquitex acrylic paints. It was also topic for several articles in magazines.



What she expresses in her art is the "collective unconscious", which is actually a psychological term. She expresses feelings and sensations of the hidden subconsciousness that all humans naturally share, and this is what is called the "collective unconscious".


Even in today's world, which is flooded with symbols and icons, there are still many things which cannot be defined by words or symbols. And she feels that there are many people, who want to express those feelings and thoughts, which are inexpressible.

She expresses feelings and sensations in her work, which cannot be described with words.

The raw and unprocessed emotions of the subconsciousness, before they can become comprehensible, are captured by her. Because these unprocessed emotions have no names, she expresses them in abstract shapes and colors. Her hands create the work without any image in her mind. The drawing is done without thinking about anything, therefore she always tries to have a blank, empty mind.

Her art will be able to stimulate the thoughts of the viewer, and let them recall something unexpectedly.

​Her work may give you some kind of catharsis. It is intimately extroverted, so you can communicate with it easily. The poetic titles help you, to connect to the collective subconsciousness.


So, she creates something that is totally incomprehensible but stirs your imagination.

Solo Exhibition

2021 Portrait / Galerie 21 vorwerkstift / Hamburg / Germany
2021 Ī’ll you take there  / art gallery closet/ Tokyo / JP

2021 Hear the ocean / Fuji Gallery Shinjyuku / Tokyo / JP

2019 Ich heiße Sie / Galerie 21 / Hamburg / Germany

2016 Multiverse; here and there –closet- / Art Gallery Closet / Tokyo / JP

2016 Multiverse; here and there –#605- / 605 Art Gallery / Tokyo / JP

2015 Talk with phantom by the moon-aroma window / Gallery Kazuki / Tokyo / JP

2014 Why don’t we go to the deeper place? / Shinjuku Ganka Gallery / Tokyo / JP

2012 Sign and Garden / Gallery Trinity / Tokyo / JP

2011 We resonate each other / Gallery Trinity / Tokyo / JP

2010 Have a sugar confectionery on the waterside of the seriousness / Gallery Trinity / Tokyo / JP

2010 A lake / Gallery Trinity / Tokyo / JP

2009 Fields / Gallery Trinity / Tokyo / JP

2008 White room in January / Motto Gallery / Tokyo / JP


 Group show

2022 Pinzel trifft Linse / Bürgermeisterhaus / Essen-,Werden / Germany

2017 Avant}{Garden / Area1 Gallery / LA / USA

2017 Indication / Fei Art Museum Yokohama / Yokohama / JP

2017 Romania + Japan Book Art Exhibition / Gallery Yume’s tsuzuki / Tokyo / JP

2015 International Symposium of Modern Art DFEWA / Parque Cultual Valparaiso / Valparaiso / Chile

2014 International Symposium of Modern Art DFEWA / Karolyi Castle / Carei / Romania

2014 Jaipur Art Festival / Hotel Diggi Palace / Jaipur / India

2013 International Symposium of Modern Art DFEWA / Mallnitz / Austria

2011 The best selections of the art works / Gallery Trinity / Tokyo / JP

2010 Art Fair kunStart10 / Bolzano / ITALY

2009 QUIET POWER works of Tokyo / Laura U Collection / Huston / USA



2009 12th Liquitex Biennale / Encouraging Prize and Judge Prize (Takayuki Terakado Prize) / Spiral / Tokyo / JP



2023 PAX CULTURA / Book-Cover/ JP

2021 ART collectors / Magazine / JP

2019 Modern living / Magazine / JP

2016 Glow / Magazine / JP

2015 Yokohama Incident and Retrial Judgment / Book-Cover / JP

2013 Art Brut? Outsider Art? POCORART! / Catalogue / JP

2011 B T / Magazine / JP

2010 Rose + x / Magazine / JP

2010 Illustration / Magazine / JP

bio JP
笠原 しい Sie Kasahara

1973年生まれ  東京都在住







art gallery closet

Kurm'art contemporary​




​2021年 Portrait / Galerie 21 vorwerkstift [Hamburg, Germany]
2021年 Ī’ll you take there  / art gallery closet[西麻布]

2021年   海に聴く / フジギャラリー新宿 [新宿] 

2019年   Ich heiße Sie / Galerie 21  [Hamburg, Germany]

2018年  うたうように描いて 描くようにつくる / gallery art and wonder[世田谷]

2016年  多元宇宙のこことそこ -closet- / art gallery closet[西麻布]
      多元宇宙のこことそこ -#605- / Kurum'art Contemporary[六本木]
2015年  月香る窓辺にて幻と語らん / 画廊香月 [銀座]
2014年  ねぇ、もっと深いところへ行ってみましょうよ / 新宿眼科画廊 [新宿] 
2012年  しるしと園 / GALLERY TRINITY [六本木]
2011年  共鳴する私達 / GALLERY TRINITY [六本木]
2010年  シリアスの水辺に砂糖菓子をどうぞ / GALLERY TRINITY [六本木]
              みずうみ /GALLERY TRINITY [六本木]
2009年  野辺 /GALLERY TRINITY [六本木]





2022年 Pinsel trifft Linse / Bürgermeisterhaus [Essen-,Werden, Germany]

2018年   二人展 / G WING'S GALLERY  [金沢]

               shelf life / Oote41221  [松本]

               EIBAB JAPAN BOOK ART EXHIBITION / 由芽のつづき  [吉祥寺]
               気配 / FEI ART MUSEUM YOKOMHAMA  [横浜]
2015年   International Symposium of Modern Art DFEWA  [Valparaiso, CHILE]
2014年   International Symposium of Modern Art DFEWA  [Carei, ROMAINA]
              Jaipur ART Festival  [Jaipur, INDIA]
2013年   International Symposium of Modern Art DFEWA  [Mallnitz, AUSTRIA]
2009年   QUIET POWER works of Tokyo / Laura U Collection  [Huston, USA]




​2023年 パクス・クルトゥラ / Book-Cover

2021年 アートコレクターズ / Magazine

2019年 モダンリビング 別冊 / Magazine

2019年 モダンリビング No.244 / Magazine

2016年 GLOW / Magazine

2015年 横浜事件と再審裁判 / Book-Cover

2013年 Art Brut? Outsider Art? POCORART! / Catalogue 

2011年 美術手帖 / Magazine

2010年 ローズプラスエクス Vol.1 / Magazine

2010年 Illustration / Magazine


 Sie Kasahara  -under the garden-

Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Sie Kasahara. All Rights Reserved 

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